Libroteka is an eCommerce platform where eBooks in the albanian language can be bought and sold. By signing up in the platform, publishers, authors and translators can put their eBooks up for sale, while readers can buy and take a look at dozens of eBooks in real time.
Online payments
User and admin dashboard
Notification system
Currency picker
Search functionality
Responsive UI
The interface of the website adapts to any devices, platforms and screen sizes in terms of layout and function.
Online payments
Users can purchase eBooks through the website in a quick and efficient way. The moment that the fund transfer takes place, the eBook is made available for the buyer.
Notification system
Users receive notifications on the activities that happen on the website. They can choose in their dashboard, which notifications they want to receive as emails or notifications inside the website.
User dashboard
Buyers and sellers have their own dashboard where they can view all of the relevant data on their activities inside the website. Users can upload, view and delete their eBooks and view their profits from their sales. They can also download the eBooks they have bought and view their invoices.